
Organic Mango are believed to have existed in northeast India, Myanmar and Bangladesh after fossil records were found there dating back from 25 to 30 million years. When the Portuguese arrived in India in they then took it to South America, the Philippines and to western Africa. Many centuries of development have produced varieties of mangos free of both fibres and unpleasant flavours. This eventually led to the large fruits with thick flesh that we are most familiar with today. The taste of the fruit is very sweet, with some cultivars having a slight acidic tang. Mangoes are very juicy; the sweet taste and high water content make them refreshing to eat.

Storage & Handling: The flesh is strongly attached to the seed. The "hedgehog method" of preparing a mango involves slicing two large halves from the flat surfaces of the seed, making crosshatch cuts through the flesh of each half down to the skin, and turning each half inside-out so that the resulting cubes will pop up. Store in a cool-dark place, 38-45°F. is ideal. Depending upon temperature will store 3-10 days. Organic produce should not be stored with non-organic produce.